Jerome - Bible translation word-for-word

Steven Avery

Faking Forging, Counterfeiting
Daniel Becker, Annalisa Fischer, Yola Schmitz (eds.)

Jerome, the translator of the Vulgate, famously coined the phrase: “non
verbum e verbo, sed sensum exprimere de sensu”,
which has often been un-
derstood as a general rule for translation. Nonetheless, he made an important
exception for the translation of the Bible: “absque scripturis sanctis, ubi et ver-
borum ordo mysterium est.”
6 In religious texts the word order is part of the
divine message and should not be altered. While the translations by Chapman,
Pope and Dryden are more focused on literary and aesthetic aspects, they are
much freer and took much greater interpretative liberties regarding the source
texts. They did not have to adapt their translation methods in accordance with
theological dogma.

Jerome (395 CE): “Letter to Pammachius. On the best Method of Translating1’, (last accessed on
12 June 2017).

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